Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide

(Axel Boer) #1
could be done using the electric field as a body load applied either with BFE,EF command or with
LDREAD,EF command. Cracking and Crushing Plots

If you have SOLID65 elements in your model, you can use the PLCRACK command (Main Menu>
General Postproc> Plot Results> Crack/Crush) to determine which elements have cracked and/or
crushed. Small circles will be shown where the concrete has cracked, and small octagons will be shown
where the concrete has crushed (see Figure 7.10: Concrete Beam with Cracks (p. 160)). The cracking and
crushing symbols are visible when a non-hidden, vector type of display is used. T o specify such a device,
issue the command /DEVICE,VECTOR,ON (Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Device Options).

Figure 7.10: Concrete Beam with Cracks

7.2.2. Surface Operations

You can map any nodal results data onto a user defined surface in POST1.You can then perform
mathematical operations on these surface results to calculate meaningful quantities, including total
force or average stress for a cross section, net charge inside a closed volume, fluid mass flow rate, heat
flow for a cross section, and more. You can also plot contours of the mapped results.

Surface operations are available both interactively (from the GUI), and via batch (command line opera-
tions). Each of the commands is referenced below; each process is found in the Main Menu> General
Postproc> Surface Operations area of the GUI. A full complement of surface commands are provided
to perform surface operations.

Table 7.1: Surface Operations

These POST1 commands are used to define an arbitrary surface and to develop results in-
formation for that surface.
Create new result data by operating on two existing result datasets on a given


SUCR Create a surface.

Release 15.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information

The General Postprocessor (POST1)

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