Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide

(Axel Boer) #1
These POST1 commands are used to define an arbitrary surface and to develop results in-
formation for that surface.
Delete geometry information as well as any mapped results for specified surface
or for all selected surfaces.


SUEVAL Perform operations on a mapped item and store result in a scalar parameter.
SUGET Move surface geometry and mapped results to an arra y parameter.
SUMAP Map results onto selected surface(s).
SUPL Plot specified result data on all selected surfaces or on the specified surface.
SUPR Print surface information.
SURESU Resume surface definitions from a specified file.
SUSAVE Save surface definitions and result items to a file.
SUSEL Select a subset of surfaces
SUVECT Perform Operations between two mapped result vectors.


You can define surfaces only in models containing 3-D solid elements. Shells, beams and 2-
D element types are not supported. Surface creation will operate on selected, valid 3-D solid
elements only and ignore other element types if they are present in your model.

The basic steps for surface operations are as follows:

  • Define the surfaces using the SUCR command.

  • Map the results data on the selected surfaces using the SUSEL and SUMAP commands.

  • Operate on the results using the SUEVAL,SUCALC and SUVECT commands.

Once your data is mapped on the surface, you can review the results using the graphical display and
tabular listing capabilities found in the SUPL and SUPR commands.

Additional capabilities include archiving the surface data you create to a file or an arra y parameter, and
recalling stored surface data. The following topics relate primarily to surface definition and usage. Defining the Surface

You define your surface using the SUCR command. This command creates your named surface (containing
no more than eight characters), according to a specified category (plane, cylinder, or sphere), at a
defined refinement level.

The surfaces you create fall into three categories:

  • A cross section you create based on the current working plane

  • A closed surface represented by a sphere at the current working plane origin, with a user-specified radius.

  • A cylindrical surface centered at the working plane origin, and ext ending infinitely in the positive and
    negative Z directions

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Reviewing Results in POST1
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