Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide

(Axel Boer) #1

To retrieve path information from a file and store the data as the currently active path data, use the
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> Path Operations> Archive Path> Retrieve> Paths from file

You can opt to archive or fetch only the path data (data mapped to path (PDEF command) or the path
points (defined by the PPATH command). When you retrieve path data, it becomes the currently active
path data (existing active path data is replaced). If you issue PARESU and have multiple paths, the first
path from the list becomes the currently active path.

Sample input and output are shown below.

path,radial,2,30,35! Define path name, No. points, No. sets, No. divisions
ppath,1,,.2! Define path by location
pmap,,mat! Map at material discontinuities
pdef,sx,s,x! Interpret radial stress
pdef,sz,s,z! Interpret hoop stress
plpath,sx,sz! Plot stresses
pasave! Store defined paths in a file
paresu! retrieve path data from file
plpagm,sx,,node! plot radial stresses on the path
finish Archiving and Retrieving Path Data to an Array Parameter

Writing path data to an arra y is useful if you want to map a particle flow or charged particle trace onto
a path (PLTRAC). If you wish to retain path data in an arra y parameter, use the command or one of the
GUI paths shown below to write current path data to an arra y variable:
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> Path Operations> Archive Path> Retrieve> Path from array
Main Menu> General Postproc> Path Operations> Archive Path> Retrieve> Paths from file

To retrieve path information from an arra y variable and store the data as the currently active path data,
use one of the following:
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> Path Operations> Archive Path> Store> Path in array
Main Menu> General Postproc> Path Operations> Archive Path> Store> Paths from file

You can opt to archive or fetch only the path data (data mapped to path (PDEF command) or the path
points (defined by the PPATH command). The setting for the POPT argument on PAGET and PAPUT
determines what is stored or retrieved. You must retrieve path points prior to retrieving path data and
labels. When you retrieve path data, it becomes the currently active path data (existing active path data
is replaced).

Sample input and output are shown below.

path,radial,2,30,35! Define path name, No. points, No. sets, No. divisions
ppath,1,,.2! Define path by location
pmap,,mat! Map at material discontinuities
pdef,sx,s,x! Interpret radial stress
pdef,sz,s,z! Interpret hoop stress
plpath,sx,sz! Plot stresses
paget,radpts,points! Archive path points in array "radpts"
paget,raddat,table! Archive path data in array "raddat"
paget,radlab,label! Archive path labels in array "radlab"

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