Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide

(Axel Boer) #1
*get,npts,parm,radpts,dim,x! Retrieve number of points from array "radpts"
*get,ndat,parm,raddat,dim,x! Retrieve number of data points from array "raddat"
*get,nset,parm,radlab,dim,x! Retrieve number of data labels form array "radlab"
ndiv=(ndat-1)/(npts-1)! Calculate number of divisions
path,radial,npts,ns1,ndiv! Create path "radial" with number of sets ns1>nset
paput,radpts,points! Retrieve path points
paput,raddat,table! Retrieve path data
paput,radlab,labels! Retrieve path labels
plpagm,sx,,node! Plot radial stresses on the path

Figure 7.12: A Sample PLPATH Display Showing Stress Discontinuity at a Material Interface

Figure 7.13: A Sample PLPAGM Display Deleting a Path

To delete one or more paths, use one of the following:
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> Path Operations> Delete Path
Main Menu> General Postproc> Path Operations> Delete Path

You can opt to delete all paths or choose a path to delete by name. T o review the current list of path
names, issue the command PATH,STATUS.

Release 15.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information

Reviewing Results in POST1
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