Animate Results
You can create animations based on the information you have included in the results file. Because this
information is created as a separat e file, it is not saved within the results file. You must save the individual
animations using the Results Viewer's Main Menu, Save Animation function.
List Results
The list results button creates a text listing of all of the nodal results values for the selected sequence
number and result item.. You can print this data directly, or save it to a file for use in other applications.
Image Capture
You can plot the contents of the graphics window directly to a post script enabled printer, capture the
contents to another window that is created automatically, or port the contents to an exportable graphics
file in one of the popular formats (such as EPS, PNG, BMP, and WMF).
For Windows (PC) use, you must have a postscript-enabled printer installed in order to obtain these
export formats. If a postscript printer is not installed, file export is not available.
Report Generator
This function opens the Report Generator. Use the report generat or to capture your screen contents,
animations, and result listings, and save them to a report assembly tool. This tool allows you to organize
the data and add text in order to assemble a complete report. For more information, see The Report
Generator (p. 303). Step/Sequence Data Access Controls
When you access a results file, the data is presented according to the sequential data sets of your ori-
ginal analysis. These data sets correspond to a specific time, load step, and substep of your analysis.
Use the following controls to access these different result sets.
Figure 7.18: The Results Viewer Step/Sequence Data Access Controls
The Data Sequence Slider Bar
The slider bar directly under the Results Viewer Toolbar corresponds to the individual data sequences
that are available for the current results file. Each tick mark along the slider represents a data set.The
data sequence number is displayed in the text box at the far right of the series of boxes below the slider.
You can move to any data set either by moving the slider, or by entering the sequential number of the
data set in the box.
The Play and Stop Buttons
You use these buttons to move through the selected data sequence according to the defined load steps
or substeps. The play button will step you through each of the data sets and when the final (maximum)
set is reached, begin moving incrementally back down.
This text box displays the time for each data set.
Load Step
Each individual load step number is displayed. You can enter a valid load step number here and that
load step will be displayed.
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Reviewing Results in POST1