Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide

(Axel Boer) #1

  • The variable names TIME and FREQ, as well as the reference number 1, are reserved.

  • In interactive mode, the NUMVAR command is automatically set to 200 variables; the variable viewer
    uses the last 10 of these variables for data manipulation, resulting in 190 variables available for the

  • All time points of your results file are automatically stored and made available in interactive mode.

  • If your variables are complex values (e.g. amplitude/phase angle), the MIN and MAX values displayed
    in the lister window will always be the “REAL” values.

8.3.2. Batch

In Interactive Mode (above), your data is automatically stored when you define it. From the command
line, this process is accomplished in two separat e parts, Defining and Storing.

You define the variable according to the result item in the results file. This means setting up pointers
to the result item and creating labels for the areas where this data will be stored. For example, the fol-
lowing commands define time-history variables two, three and four:

ESOL,3,219,47,EPEL,X, Elastic_Strain
ANSOL,4,101,S,X ,Avtg_Stress_101

Variable two is a nodal result defined by the NSOL command. It is the UX displacement at node 358.
Variable three is an element result defined by the ESOL command. It is the X component of elastic
strain at node 47 for element 219.Variable four is an averaged element nodal result defined by the
ANSOL command. It is the X-component of averaged element nodal stress at node 101. Any subsequent
reference to these result items will be through the reference numbers or labels assigned to them. De-
fining a new variable with the same number as an existing variable overwrites the existing variable.
The following commands are used to define variables:

Commands used to define variables
* Commands that define result location

The second part is storing the variables (the STORE command). Storing means reading the data from
the results file into the database. In addition to the STORE command, the program stores data automat-
ically when you issue display commands (PLVAR and PRVAR) or time-history data operation commands
(ADD,QUOT, etc.).

An example of using the STORE command follows:

NSOL,2,23,U,Y! Variable 2 = UY at node 23
SHELL,TOP! Specify top of shell results
ESOL,3,20,23,S,X! Variable 3 = top SX at node 23 of element 20
PRVAR,2,3! Store and then print variables 2 and 3
SHELL,BOT! Specify bottom of shell results
ESOL,4,20,23,S,X! Variable 4 = bottom SX at node 23 of element 20
STORE! By command default, place variable 4 in memory with 2 and 3
PLVAR,2,3,4! Plot variables 2,3,4

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The Time-History Postprocessor (POST26)

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