Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide

(Axel Boer) #1
Where pi = acos (-1)

  • To multiply a complex time-history variable “PRESMID” with a factor (2 + 3i)

SCAL_MID = cmplx (2,3)* {PRESMID}

  • To fill a variable with ramped data use the following equation

RAMP_.25BY_0.5 = .25 + (.05 * ({nset} - 1))

  • To fill a variable as a function of time use the following equation

FUNC_TIME_1 = 10 * ({ TIME} - .25)

  • To find the relative acceleration response PSD for a variable named UZ_4, use the following equation

RPSD_4 = RPSD({UZ_4},{UZ_4},3,2)

8.4.2. Batch

In batch mode, you use combinations of commands. Some identify the variable and the format for the
output, while others identify the variable data to be used to create the new variable. The calculator
operations themselves are performed by specific commands.

  • To find the derivative of a variable “UYBLOCK “ with respect to another variable “TIME”

NSOL,2,100,u,y,UYBLOCK !Variable 2 is UY of node 100
DERIV, 3,2,1,,VYBLOCK !Variable 3 is named VYBLOCK It is the
!derivative of variable 2 with respect
!to variable 1 (time)

  • To find the amplitude of a complex time-history variable PRESMID

NSOL,2,123,PRES,,PRESMID !Variable 2 is the pressure at node 123
ABS, 3,2,,,AMPL_MID !Absolute value of a complex variable
!is its amplitude.

  • To find the phase angle (in degrees of a complex time-history variable “UYFANTIP”

Pi = acos(-1)
ATAN,4,2,,,PHAS_MID,,,180/pi !ATAN function of a complex
!variable (a + ib) gives atan (b/a)

  • To multiply a complex POST 26 variable “PRESMID” with a factor (2+3i):

CFACT,2,3 !Scale factor of 2+3i
ADD,5,2,,,SCAL_MID !Use ADD command to store variable 2 into
!variable 5 with the scale factor of (2+3i)

  • To fill a variable with ramped data

FILLDATA,6,,,.25,.05,ramp_func !Fill a variable with
!ramp function data.

The following commands are used to process your variables, develop computed relationships and store
the data. See the specific command reference for more information on processing your time-history

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Processing Your Variables to Develop Calculated Data
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