cases, the columns represent temperatures, and the rows represent data values (for example, density
as a linear isotropic property, or constants for a particular nonlinear model).
Temperature Dependent Data
Initially, the table is set up for temperature independent data so the temperature field is grayed out.
At this point, should you decide to enter data for various temperatures, you can quickly add columns
of text fields for the data representing each temperature. You can add or delete the temperature de-
pendent data at any time. You do not need to predetermine if the data should be temperature dependent.
Adding and Deleting Columns
To add a column, position the text cursor in any field in the existing column, then click on the Add
Temperature button. A new column appears to the right of the existing column, and both temperature
fields become active, as shown in Figure 1.6: Data Input Dialog Box - Added Column (p. 10).
Figure 1.6: Data Input Dialog Box - Added Column
You then enter the two temperatures and the associated data in the rows. You can add more temper-
ature columns, as needed, by following the same procedure. You can insert columns between existing
columns by clicking the text cursor in a field within a column that is to the left of where you want to
insert the new column, then clicking on the Add Temperature button. A scroll bar appears across the
bottom of the table when the number of columns exceeds the width of the dialog box.
You can delete a temperature column by positioning the text cursor in any field within the column,
and clicking on the Delete Temperature button.
Adding and Deleting Rows
You may have the need to add another row of constants or other data for a specific temperature. You
add or delete rows in a similar way as is described above for adding or deleting columns. To add a row,
click the text cursor in any field in an existing row, then click on the Add Row (or Add Point) button.
A new row appears beneath the existing row, as shown in Figure 1.7: Data Input Dialog Box - Added
Row (p. 11).
Release 15.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
Getting Started