Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide

(Axel Boer) #1

  • Graph: Displays a graph of the current data in the Graphics window. If required, you can change the
    data in the table and click on the Graph button again before clicking on the OK button.

  • OK: Commits all data that you have entered to the database and removes this dialog box[ 1 ]. Material
    Model Number # appears in the Material Models Defined tree structure window, where # = 1 for
    the first model, or the number that you specified in the Define Material ID dialog box.

  • Cancel: Cancels all data entered, and removes the dialog box[ 1 ].

  • Help: Displays help information that is specific to the particular material property or material constant.

  1. Click on OK or Cancel to remove the data input dialog box. Pressing the Enter key will not remove the
    dialog box.

If a button appears, but is grayed out, then the function is defined for the particular material property,
but you have not yet entered enough data for the function to become active.

Some material data input dialog boxes may include other buttons or interaction components that are
necessary for completely defining a material property or model. See A Dialog Box and Its Components
in the Operations Guide if you need help on the use of any of these interaction components.

Considerations for a Structural Analysis

When performing a structural analysis, several inelastic material models (listed by double-clicking on
the following in the tree structure: Structural, Nonlinear, Inelastic) require you to input values for elastic
material properties (elastic modulus and/or Poisson's ratio) in addition to the inelastic constants that
are specific to the model (for example, Yield Stress and Tangent Modulus for the Bilinear Isotropic
Hardening model). In these instances, you must enter the elastic material properties before you enter
the inelastic constants. If you try to enter the inelastic constants first, a Note appears stating that you
must first enter the elastic properties. Aft er you click on OK in the Note, a data input dialog box appears
that prompts you for the elastic material properties. Aft er you enter these properties and click on OK,
another data input dialog box appears that prompts you for the inelastic constants associated with the
specific model you chose. Logging/Editing Material Data

The Material Models Defined window (the left window in the Define Material Model Behavior dialog
box) displays a log of each material model you have specified. Aft er you have chosen OK in the data
input dialog box, this window displays a folder icon, and Material Model Number # (the first # is 1 by
default), followed by the properties defined for this model. You can define additional models with
unique numbers by choosing Material> New Model, then typing a new number in the Define Mater-
ial ID dialog box. If you double-click on any material model or property (furthest to the right in the
tree), the associated data input dialog box appears where you can edit the data, if you choose. Example: Defining a Single Material Model

This example and the following two examples show typical uses of the material model interface for use
in structural analyses. If your specialty or interest is in performing analyses other than structural analyses,
it is recommended that you still read and perform these examples to become familiar with maneuvering
within the material model interface. You are then encouraged to try one of your own problems in your
particular discipline, or try one of the many sample problems presented throughout the various analysis
guides. Here is a sampling of these problems:

  • Performing a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (GUI Method) in the Thermal Analysis Guide.

  • Example: Current-Carrying Conductor in the Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Analysis Guide.

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