Issuing MPWRITE writes the material data specified by material number MAT into the named file in the
current working directory. (If you previously specified a material library write path by issuing the /MPLIB
command (Main Menu> Preprocessor> Material Props> Material Library> Library Path), the program
writes the file to that location instead.)
Naming conventions for a material library file are as follows:
- The name of the file is the name you specify on the MPWRITE command. If you do not specify a file-
name, the default name is JOBNAME. - The ext ension of a material library filename follows the pattern .xxx_MPL, where xxx identifies the
system of units for this material property sets. For example, if the system of units is the CGS system,
the file ext ension is .CGS_MPL. The default extension, used if you do not specify a units system before
creating the material library file, is .USER_MPL. ( This indicat es a user-defined system of units.) Reading a Material Library File
To read a material library file into the database, perform these steps:
- Use the /UNITS command or its GUI equivalent to tell the program what system of units you are
The default system of units is SI.The GUI lists only material library files with the
currently active units.
- Specify a new material reference number or an existing number that you wish to overwrite:
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Elements> Elem Attributes
Overwriting an existing material in the database deletes all of the data associated
with it.
- To read the material library file into the database, use one of the following:
GUI: Main Menu> Preprocessor> Material Props> Material Library> Import Library
The LIB argument supports a file search hierarchy. The program searches for the named material library
file first in the current working directory, then in your home directory, then in the read path directory
specified by the /MPLIB command, and finally in the ANSYS-supplied directory /ansys150/matlib.
If you omit the LIB argument, the programs searches only in the current working directory.
1.1.5. Creating the Model Geometry
Once you have defined material properties, the next step in an analysis is generating a finite element
model - nodes and elements - that adequately describes the model geometry. The graphic below shows
some sample finite element models:
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Building the Model