Discipline Degree of Freedom Label
Scalar Potential MAG
Electric Voltage VOLT
Acoustic Pressure PRES
Displacement UX, UY, UZ
Diffusion Concentration CONC
- For structural static and transient analyses, velocities and accelerations can be applied as finite element
loads on nodes using the D command. Velocities can be applied in static or transient analyses; accelerations
can only be applied in transient analyses. The labels for these loads are as follows:
VELX, VELY,VELZ - translational velocities
OMGX, OMGY, OMGZ - rotational velocities
ACCX, ACCY, ACCZ - translational accelerations
DMGX, DMGY, DMGZ -rotational accelerations
Although these are not strictly degree-of-freedom constraints, they are boundary conditions that
act upon the translation and rotation degrees of freedom. See the D command for more information.
Table 2.2: Commands for DOF Constraints
Location Basic Commands Additional Commands
Following are some of the GUI paths you can use to apply DOF constraints:
Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Define Loads> Apply> load type> On Nodes
Utility Menu> List> Loads> DOF Constraints> On All Keypoints (or On Picked KPs)
Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> load type> On Lines
See the Command Reference for additional GUI path information and for descriptions of the commands
listed in Table 2.2: Commands for DOF Constraints (p. 28).
2.5.4. Applying Symmetry or Antisymmetry Boundary Conditions
Use the DSYM command to apply symmetry or antisymmetry boundary conditions on a plane of nodes.
The command generat es the appropriate DOF constraints. See the Command Reference for the list of
constraints generated.
In a structural analysis, for example, a symmetry boundary condition means that out-of-plane translations
and in-plane rotations are set to zero, and an antisymmetry condition means that in-plane translations
and out-of-plane rotations are set to zero. (See Figure 2.5: Symmetry and Antisymmetry Boundary Con-
ditions (p. 29).) All nodes on the symmetry plane are rotated into the coordinate system specified by
the KCN field on the DSYM command. The use of symmetry and antisymmetry boundary conditions is
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