Figure 2.7: Scaling Temperature Constraints with DSCALE Resolution of Conflicting Constraint Specifications
You need to be aware of the possibility of conflicting DK,DL, and DA constraint specifications and how
the program handles them.The following conflicts can arise:
- A DL specification can conflict with a DL specification on an adjacent line (shared keypoint).
- A DL specification can conflict with a DK specification at either keypoint.
- A DA specification can conflict with a DA specification on an adjacent area (shared lines/keypoints).
- A DA specification can conflict with a DL specification on any of its lines.
- A DA specification can conflict with a DK specification on any of its keypoints.
The program transfers constraints that have been applied to the solid model to the corresponding finite
element model in the following sequence:
- In ascending area number order, DOF DA constraints transfer to nodes on areas (and bounding lines
and keypoints). - In ascending area number order, SYMM and ASYM DA constraints transfer to nodes on areas (and
bounding lines and keypoints). - In ascending line number order, DOF DL constraints transfer to nodes on lines (and bounding key-
points). - In ascending line number order, SYMM and ASYM DL constraints transfer to nodes on lines (and
bounding keypoints). - DK constraints transfer to nodes on keypoints (and on attached lines, areas, and volumes if expansion
conditions are met).
Accordingly, for conflicting constraints,DK commands overwrite DL commands and DL commands
overwrite DA commands. For conflicting constraints, constraints specified for a higher line number or
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