Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide

(Axel Boer) #1

loads, (3) directly defined BF loads, or (4) BFUNIF loads. No conflict among solid model body loads is

CASE C: At least one BFV,BFA, or BFL cannot transfer to elements.

Elements not getting a direct BFE transfer from a BFV,BFA, or BFL have their body loads determined
by the following: (1 - highest priority) directly defined BFE loads, (2) BFK loads, (3) BFL loads on an at-
tached line that did NOT transfer to line elements, (4) BFA loads on an attached area that did NOT
transfer to area elements, (5) BFV loads on an attached volume that did NOT transfer to volume elements,
(6) directly defined BF loads, or (7) BFUNIF loads.

In "Case C" situations, the following conflicts can arise:

  • A BFL specification can conflict with a BFL specification on an adjacent line (shared keypoint).

  • A BFL specification can conflict with a BFK specification at either keypoint.

  • A BFA specification can conflict with a BFA specification on an adjacent area (shared lines/keypoints).

  • A BFA specification can conflict with a BFL specification on any of its lines.

  • A BFA specification can conflict with a BFK specification on any of its keypoints.

  • A BFV specification can conflict with a BFV specification on an adjacent volume (shared

  • A BFV specification can conflict with a BFA specification on any of its areas.

  • A BFV specification can conflict with a BFL specification on any of its lines.

  • A BFV specification can conflict with a BFK specification on any of its keypoints.

The program transfers body loads that have been applied to the solid model to the corresponding finite
element model in the following sequence:

  1. In ascending volume number order,BFV loads transfer to BFE loads on volume elements, or, if there
    are none, to BF loads on nodes on volumes (and bounding areas, lines, and keypoints).

  2. In ascending area number order,BFA loads transfer to BFE loads on area elements, or, if there are
    none, to BF loads on nodes on areas (and bounding lines and keypoints).

  3. In ascending line number order,BFL loads transfer to BFE loads on line elements, or, if there are
    none, to BF loads on nodes on lines (and bounding keypoints).

  4. BFK loads transfer to BF loads on nodes on keypoints (and on attached lines, areas, and volumes
    if expansion conditions are met).

Accordingly, for conflicting solid model body loads in "Case C" situations,BFK commands overwrite
BFL commands,BFL commands overwrite BFA commands, and BFA commands overwrite BFV com-
mands. For conflicting body loads, a body load specified for a higher line number, area number, or

Release 15.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information

Applying Loads
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