Figure 2.18: Central Constraint for Solid Axisymmetric Structure
2.5.13. Loads to Which the Degree of Freedom Offers No Resistance
If an applied load acts on a degree of freedom which offers no resistance to it (that is, perfectly zero
stiffness), the program ignores the load.
2.5.14. Initial State Loading
You can specify initial state as a loading parameter for a structural analysis in ANSYS. Initial state loading
is valid for static or full transient analyses (either linear or nonlinear), and for modal, buckling and har-
monic analyses. Initial state must be applied in the first load step of an analysis.
Initial state is also available in Distributed ANSYS.
For more information, see Initial State (p. 93).
2.5.15. Applying Loads Using TABLE Type Array Parameters
To apply loads using TABLE parameters, you use the appropriate loading commands or menu paths for
your analysis. However, instead of specifying an actual value for a particular load, you specify the name
of a table arra y parameter. Not all boundary conditions support tabular loads; please refer to the docu-
mentation on the specific loads you are working with to determine if tabular loads are supported.
When defining loads via commands, you must enclose the table name in % symbols:
%tabname%. For example, to specify a table of convection values, you would issue a com-
mand similar to the following:
If your data cannot be conveniently expressed as a table, you may want to use function boundary
conditions. See Using the Function Tool (p. 79).
If working interactively, you can define a new table at the time you apply the loads by selecting the
"new table" option.You be asked to define the table through a series of dialog boxes. You can also
define a table before you apply loads by choosing the menu path Utility Menu> Parameters> Array
Parameters> Define/Edit, or by using the *DIM command. Tabular loads can be defined in both the
global Cartesian (default) or a local coordinate system you define with the LOCAL command (only
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