Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide

(Axel Boer) #1

In addition, some real constants for elements SURF151,SURF152, and FLUID116 can have associated
primary variables.

Table 2.11: Real Constants and Corresponding Primary Variable for SURF151, SURF152, and

Real Constants Primary Variables
Rotational Speed TIME, X,Y, Z
Rotational Speed TIME, X,Y, Z
Slip Factor TIME, X,Y, Z

Contact elements (CONTA171,CONTA172,CONTA173,CONTA174,CONTA175,CONTA176,CONTA177,
and CONTA178) also support table parameter input for some real constants. For a complete list of these
real constants and their associated primary variables, see Table 3.2: Real Constants and Corresponding
Primary Variables for CONTA171-CONTA177 in the Contact Technology Guide and Table 178.2: Real
Constants and Corresponding Primary Variables for CONTA178 in CONTA178. The following two primary
variables are used exclusively with contact element real constants:

  • PRESSURE - contact pressure. The index values associated with PRESSURE are positive for compression
    and negative for tension.

  • GAP - geometrical contact gap/penetration. The index values associated with GAP are positive for
    closed penetration and negative for an open gap. Defining Independent Variables

If you need to specify a variable other than one of the primary variables listed, you can do so by defining
an independent parameter. To specify an independent parameter, you define an additional table for
the independent parameter. That table must have the same name as the independent parameter, and
can be a function of either a primary variable or another independent parameter. You can define as
many independent parameters as necessary, but all independent parameters must relate to a primary

For example, consider a convection coefficient (HF) that varies as a function of rotational speed (RPM)
and temperature (TEMP). The primary variable in this case is TEMP. The independent parameter is RPM,
which varies with time. In this scenario, you need two tables: one relating RPM to TIME, and another
table relating HF to RPM and TEMP.


When defining the tables, the independent variables must be in ascending order in the table indices
(as in any table array).

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