Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide

(Axel Boer) #1

  • If you specify stepped loads, the program handles all loads (constraints, forces, surface loads, body
    loads, and inertia loads) in the same manner. They are step-applied, step-changed, or step-removed,
    as the case may be.

  • If you specify ramped loads, then:

    • All loads applied in the first load step, except film coefficients, are ramped (either from zero or
      from the value specified via BFUNIF or its GUI equivalent, depending on the type of load; see
      Table 2.12: Handling of Ramped Loads (KBC = 0) Under Different Conditions (p. 59)). Film coefficients
      are step-applied.


The concept of stepped versus ramped loading does not apply to temperature-de-
pendent film coefficients (input as -N on a convection command). These are always
applied at the value dictated by their temperature function.

  • All loads changed in later load steps are ramped from their previous values. If a film coefficient is
    specified using the temperature-dependent format (input as -N) for one load step and then changed
    to a constant value for the next step, the new constant value is step-applied. Note that in a full
    harmonic analysis (ANTYPE,HARM with HROPT,FULL), surface and body loads ramp as they do in
    the first load step and not from their previous values.

  • For tabular boundary conditions, loads are never ramped but rather evaluated at the current time.
    If a load is specified using the tabular format for one load step and then changed to a non-tabular
    for the next, the load is treated as a newly introduced load and ramped from zero or from BFUNIF
    and not from the previous tabular value.

  • All loads newly introduced in later load steps are ramped (either from zero or from BFUNIF, de-
    pending on the type of load; see Table 2.12: Handling of Ramped Loads (KBC = 0) Under Different
    Conditions (p. 59)).

  • All loads deleted in later load steps are step-removed, except body loads and inertia loads. Body
    loads are ramped to BFUNIF. Inertia loads, which you can delete only by setting them to zero, are
    ramped to zero.

  • Loads should not be deleted and respecified in the same load step. Ramping may not work the
    way the user intended in this case.

Table 2.12: Handling of Ramped Loads (KBC = 0) Under Different Conditions

Load Type Applied in Load Step 1 Introduced in Later Load Steps
DOF Constraints
Temperatures Ramped from TUNIF[ 2 ] Ramped from TUNIF[ 3 ]
Others Ramped from zero Ramped from zero
Forces Ramped from zero Ramped from zero
TBULK Ramped from TUNIF[ 2 ] Ramped from TUNIF
HCOEF Stepped Ramped from zero[ 4 ]
Others Ramped from zero Ramped from zero

Release 15.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information

Specifying Load Step Options
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