Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1

100 Who Do You Think You Are?

If you could give advice to those who are still searching for their
purpose in life, what would it be?

I would say that number one it is very important that you don’t settle for
what life is giving you. Judge not according to appearances. There is a
mind-sight and then there’s eyesight. There are a lot of people who define
their lives, and the possibilities for less, based upon what they see in
terms of their education, their bank accounts, their circumstances, and
what they’ve accomplished.
Mind-sight you live out of your imagination as opposed to your
memory. Einstein said, “The imagination is the preview of what’s to
come.” Go through life with a vision of yourself beyond where you are.
If you are aware of what your purpose is, work on it with everything
that’s in you and through persistence and perseverance you’ll discover
some things about yourself that you didn’t even know. You’ll create some
magic moments in your life and you’ll make an impact with your life
that you can’t even imagine.
If you don’t know, continue to search until you find out what it is
that resonates with you, what turns you on, what is it that you could do
twenty-four hours a day for free. A career is something you love so much
that you would do it for nothing, but you do it so well that people are
willing to pay you for it.
Something else I heard that I believe very strongly in, and is the
place from which I live my life: Man was not born to make a living, but
to live his making; and living his making will make his living. What is
the making? Why were you chosen out of 400 million sperm? Once you
discover why that is, and what it is you’re supposed to do, your life takes
on a whole new meaning. But it’s up to you.
You have greatness within you. Know that and be with that
thought on a daily basis. Know that greatness is a choice; it’s not your
destiny. Live your life from a place of knowing that you are something
special, that you have greatness within you, that you were chosen to be
here. Know that there’s something you have that if you don’t deliver it,
if you don’t leave it here, then all of the world will be deprived. In
historical context, the world will be a better place because you came
here and did what it is that you were supposed to do. Move in life with
the spirit of expectation, curiosity, discovery, and know that there’s
always more.

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