Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1

102 Who Do You Think You Are?

those goals. I believe in being accountable for my own outcome, whether
it’s in my personal achievements or in my business. I’m always looking
for ways to stretch myself and for new ways to grow.

What event or series of events led you to your discovery?

Well, I knew who everyone else wanted me to be, but that’s not what I
had in mind. I had a completely different idea. I wanted to play football
for Notre Dame and no one was going to convince me otherwise. I had
my doubts at one point, and I went inside myself, redefined who I was,
and I became very clear that I could do it. I knew that if I put my mind to
it and kept moving forward I could reach my goals. Not only could I play
football for Notre Dame, but I could achieve my academic goals, and
moving forward I could achieve my business goals as well. The bottom
line is this, “If I can do it, anyone can do it.”

If you could give advice to people who are still searching for their
purpose in life, what would it be?

First you should define who you are, then discover what it is that you
want. What do you want? So many people can’t answer this question,
and yet they wonder why they keep getting more of what they don’t
want. What do you like, what are your passions, what would you do all
day long if money were no object?
Once you know what you want, ask yourself, “Why Not Me?”
Why shouldn’t you be the one who achieves your goals and lives your
dreams? You deserve great things just as much as anyone else does.
Make positive thinking a habit, and you will start to see your thoughts
manifest right in front of your eyes. Read positive books for
motivation, and surround yourself with positive people. Surrounding
yourself with nothing but positive energy can’t help but attract more
positive to you! It’s just how it is. You CAN do anything you want to
do, and be anyone you want to be, if you have faith in yourself and the
courage to finish what you started.

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