Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1
Are You Here To Be A Speaker? 103

Marcia Martin

“Realize how much you do know, and really come from yourself.
Bring your inner power into the world rather than searching
for yourself in the outside world.”

Marcia Martin has been a Teacher of Success for over 30 years in the
Transformational Training Business. She is renowned internationally for being
one of the leading Life & Executive Coaches, and Transformational Trainers in
the World today.
Marcia is considered to be one of the original pioneers of the Human
Potential Movement, and was instrumental in training many of the executives
and managers of the leading transformational training companies, including
Esalen Institute, Landmark Forum, Technico, Life Spring, Insight, Actualizations,
International Federation of Coaches (IFC), Sports Mind, Self Esteem Seminars,
Tony Robbins Seminars, Human Potential Project, Money & You, Accelerated
Learning, and Delfin International.
She is the Executive Vice President and a Board Member of The
Transformational Leadership Council (TLC), a not-for-profit association she
helped co-found in 2004 with Jack Canfield, the famed author of the Chicken
Soup for the Soul book series. As the Executive Vice President of TLC she is
responsible for Program Development, Event Production, Media, and
In 1971, Marcia was one of the original founding members of est, Erhard
Seminars Training, the largest human potential training and educational company
in the world. As the Senior Vice President of est, Marcia was responsible for
training the trainers, graduate, and guest seminar leaders in the arena of
enrollment, sales, and presentation skills. She managed the Communication
Registration Division and created the Guest Seminar Leaders Training Program
In 1985, Marcia founded her own consulting and transformational training
company, MM Productions (also known as Power Speaking Seminars). As the
CEO and President, Marcia currently delivers corporate and public trainings,
seminars, and courses that teach people to be successful and how to create the
results they want in their lives and in their organizations. Marcia’s clients include:
Inter-Continental Hotels International, Loews Hotels International, Capital One
Financial Services Inc, Chase Manhattan Bank, and Warner Brothers. She has
personally trained and coached over 150,000 people worldwide to be more
effective in their lives and communication.
In July of 2005, she was selected by Rhonda Byrne, the Executive
Producer of the world phenomena DVD and Book The Secret, to be one of the
TLC Teachers interviewed for the film, and is a recognized expert in teaching the
Law of Attraction. She is also the Associate Producer and a regular guest host of
the international television series Positive Living TV, to be shown in over 100
countries by the end of 2008.
Marcia Martin holds a BS degree from the University of San Francisco in
Communication Arts & Business Development. She currently lives in Aspen,
Colorado with her family.

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