Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1
Are You Here To Be A Speaker? 107

Who do you think you are?

I am a mentor to many. In fact the majority of my purpose on this planet
is to be a beacon and guide to help others define their goals and their
mission. A lot of people think I got the name The Millionaire Mentor
because I only work with millionaires and corporations, and although
that’s the majority of what I do, I actually mentor many inner city gang
kids in San Diego, California. That’s where my passion is.
It seems like society keeps telling kids, and even adults, where
we shouldn’t go, what we shouldn’t say, and what we shouldn’t do. I
thought to myself, wouldn’t it be cool to be that one voice of reason that
asks, “What can you do? What are you capable of? What could you do
with your life if you didn’t have any obstacles and limitations?” Then
help guide them towards what their answer is to those questions. Everyone
has a different mission and purpose on this planet, and it’s just an awesome
life to live helping people to discover what that is.

What event or series of events led you to your discovery?

I believe that we’re hardwired. I don’t know that there’s been an epiphany
for myself, or that one day a light went on. My entire life has been built
around being of service to people. Even as a kid, I would do things like
help another kid play a sport better, because I realized for myself that I
kept getting better and learning and growing by simply helping others
around me to do the same. You learn the most when you are teaching
others. So, again, I don’t think I had some epiphany as much as I realized
I was born to be of service and this is truly who I am.

If you could give advice to people who are still searching for their
purpose in life, what would it be?

I’ve come up with a solution for that. In fact, it’s something in our film
Pass It On. It’s called the success equation. I came up with this to help
people, because a lot of people come up to me and say, “It’s easy for you,
but how did you actually do it? Is there a system?” I think that a lot of
people do this already, consciously and subconsciously. For me, it was

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