Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1
Are You Here To Be A Speaker? 111

If you could give advice to those who are still searching for their
purpose in life, what would it be?

Get out of the house! Now this may really be hard if you are a person
who is introverted, you don’t like crowds of people, or perhaps you are
so low on the scales of introvert that you’re agoraphobic. But you have
to force yourself. I’m an introvert; I’m very low on the scale. I work all
by myself, I work in a solitary manner, but I forced myself to get out, and
that’s one of the things that lead me to professional speaking.
I believe it was Loa Tzu the Chinese philosopher who said, “The
journey of a thousand leagues begins with the first step.” I like to take
that further and say that each step that you take reveals a new horizon.
Each step you take, each thing that you do, is a learning experience, and
that opens up new ideas, new doors, and then you can take another step.
Every time you do something new, every time you do something different,
you’re taking one of the steps.
Benjamin Disraeli said, “The best way to become acquainted
with the subject is to write a book about it.” Remember Disraeli was that
famous British statesmen who was born in 1804 and died in 1881. What
he was saying is that in order to write a book you not only use your
accumulated knowledge but you research everything that’s been done
on it before. You read all the other books, you read all the magazine
articles, you interview other people, and so on. You come up with all of
this information, and then you write your book directly toward a particular
type of reader or consumer.
So, if you write a book you’re going to learn a great deal about
your subject. You may not be the expert on it when you start, but by the
time you finish that book, you become the expert on that subject. And of
course, everyone holds you in high regard as a published author, and
they just accept the fact that you’re an expert. As a matter of fact, Joe
Vitale points out that the word authority contains the word author. So by
definition, you’re an authority on the subject. On my website we have
some lengthy information kits on how to write, publish and promote
your books, and they’re free. Each is about 20 pages long and that’s at
http://www.parapub.com. Just think parachutes and publishing dot com.

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