Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1
Are You Here To Be A Speaker? 113

less, pure presence or awareness, being-ness or what ever you want to
call it. And it’s always here, and it’s always now. Now, in the appearance
we call life there are imagined individuals, and these individuals definitely
have purposes.
That is part of the dance. I feel very fortunate and grateful that
this particular body/mind has been chosen or is being used to share
freedom and aliveness, joy and peace with the world. It’s a great pleasure
to have that be what I’m engaged in every day.

What event or series of events lead you to your discovery?

Again, they’re paralleled tracks. The purpose I discovered, very
fortunately, when I met Lester Levinson back in 1976 (the man who
inspired The Sedona Method). I was organizing a seminar for another
seminar leader, and Lester came as a guest. I didn’t even notice him in
the seminar, but when I met Lester I was blown away by who he was. He
was calm, happy, centered, peaceful and equal minded, and at the same
time he was not at all full of himself for what he had discovered. In
other words, he didn’t think anything of what he had discovered, he just
thought it was natural. I was really blown away by who he was a living
example of, so I asked him what he did and he said, “Well, we teach this
technique called releasing (The Sedona Method), and it’s taught over
two weekends, and you basically sit around a table and release.” Of
course, I had no idea what he was talking about, but I knew that if he
gave me just some of what he was a living example of...I wanted it. I
took the course the very next weekend, and before the course was even
over, I knew that my life was going to be dedicated to sharing his
discoveries, and as it turned out, improving them and expanding upon
them and reaching a much broader audience then he ever could. So, my
life purpose has been sharing this good news with the world. That was
1976, and I’m still very happily engaged in doing that.
Since I’ve been doing this work, I have continued to explore
inwardly and as I’ve been letting go...at first I was letting go of my sense
of inner limitation and manifesting in my life more joy, more happiness,
more abundance, more health, more loving and satisfying relationships,
and helping literally hundreds of thousands of people to do the same
thing. Somewhere along the way, I also started investigating the nature
of this person that we believe we are. Through self-exploration and
continuing to explore, I discovered that what we are is not the person.
What we are is that which is beyond the person, and is even beyond

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