Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1

114 Who Do You Think You Are?

purpose. Because what we are doesn’t need a purpose to be. There’s
nothing you need to do, and nothing you need to fix or change in order to
be what you already are. So, after discovering that, this is now an integral
part of the advanced work that we do, helping people discover this for

If you could give advice to those who are still searching for their
purpose in life, what would it be?

The first thing I would say is: continue the search until you get the answers
that you’re looking for – whether it be having more money or better
relationships or better health or the ultimate understanding of your true
nature. Even when you hit obstacles and things don’t seem to going the
way you would like, just be persistent. As you can tell, I’ve been pretty
persistent. I’ve been doing the same thing now for over thirty years, and
it wasn’t always easy. There were times when I guess many people would
have given up. But I was persistent and consistent in my efforts to discover
my true nature and to help others do the same, and it’s bearing fruit. So
persistence is very useful.
The other thing is earnestness. If you’re earnest in your endeavors
to improve yourself or discover you true nature, that earnestness will
lead to toward the right source of information. Most of us have so many
choices every day in the spiritual path, self-evolution or evolvement, or
self help, and it can be very confusing. But if you’re really earnest and
you follow your heart, your heart will never lead you wrong. Your mind
may, and your beliefs and programs from the past may, but your heart
always knows. There is a knowingness that I’m calling heart that is just
part of our basic nature. This presence of awareness that we are is all
knowingness. It’s not all knowing, as that implies there’s is a person,
it’s all knowingness. And that knowingness will guide you to the right
things if you’re just simply open to it. It’s always there, always here,
always now, and always guiding you in the right direction, it’s just that
often it has to do things repeatedly to get our attention. So if you trust
your knowingness and trust your heart and you’re earnest, you’ll be lead
in the right direction. Just add persistence to that and you’re in really
good shape.
The other thing that I have found personally very helpful, and
has the hundreds and thousands of people that do the work that I do, is
that simply holding in mind what you want without letting go, without
letting go of the old beliefs and patterns, programs and experiences that

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