Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1
Are You Here To Be A Speaker? 119

Lissa Coffey

“We grow as people through our relationships with others.
We’re not in this alone. We’re all connected.”

Whether you’re looking for dating or relationship advice, or the latest in
home and fashion trends, Coffey-Talk is an inspiring blend of ancient
wisdom and modern style!
Author Lissa Coffey is a lifestyle expert who offers dating and
relationship advice. She is the CoffeyTalk barista, serving up an inspiring
blend of ancient wisdom and modern style. A frequent guest on radio
and TV, Lissa’s keen insight into interpersonal and cultural dynamics
offers guidance for anyone looking to fill the void in their harried lives.
Lissa Coffey is the author of several books, including What’s
Your Dosha, Baby? Discover the Vedic Way for Compatibility in Life and
Love. She has been featured as a relationship expert on television shows
such as The Today Show and on the Fox News Network.
Sign up for Lissa’s free e-mail newsletters at: http://www.coffeytalk.com.

Who do you think you are?

Who I “think” I am varies depending on the time or space that my human
form happens to be in. In one realm I might think that I’m a wife, a
mother, a writer, a friend, or a teacher. If I’ve just bumped into some
furniture I may think I’m a klutz. If I’ve just made a delicious meal I may
think I’m a gourmet chef! But who I “know” I am never changes. I
know in my heart, and without question, that I am, as we all are, an
important part of this vast and beautiful Universe. I know that I am here
to learn and to grow and to experience Life and all that comes with it. I
am a creative being, just as we all are, here to express myself, and my
unique gifts with the world. We all have this in common. We all need to
look within to discover just what our unique gifts are, and how we can
bring them into being to help others. This is our dharma, or purpose in
life. When we are living our dharma, we are our happiest and healthiest.
I can go about my day playing all the roles I play, and learning
along the way, taking in the essence of Spirit as it is expressed in a variety
of scenarios. When I face a challenge, or get stressed, I remind myself to
see the Truth, to look beyond any temporary disturbances. Everything
has a purpose.

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