Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1

120 Who Do You Think You Are?

As we learn about ourselves we learn about Life. It’s all part of
the process. We gain compassion, wisdom, and understanding as we
go. We grow as people through our relationships with others. We’re
not in this alone. We’re all connected.

What event or series of events led you to your discovery?

Even when I was very young, I loved reading biographies. I have always
found true stories so much more interesting than made-up ones. Life is
fascinating, and we can learn from the experiences of other people. It
makes me more aware of the choices I am making, and I see the things
that we all have in common. I have also always loved writing. I remember
writing songs in grade school, and entering speech contests, and producing
plays in high school. I think I got “off track” a little bit when I entered
the corporate world and didn’t have the chance to be creative.
All that changed when I was pregnant with my first son. I had
morning sickness so bad that I couldn’t work, so I took classes, and began
to find myself again. I got back into the practice of meditation, and
remembered my connection with Spirit. And the blessings continued when
I became a mother, and learned from my children. I expressed what was
in my heart, and wrote songs and books and expanded my awareness in
so many ways.
Parenthood comes with its own challenges and I managed to work
through them, learning and growing, seeing Spirit expressed in my
children. Life changed for me dramatically when I went to India with my
son. We spent his 14th birthday at the Taj Mahal. Something shifted
within me that day. Any questions I had were answered. I felt calm and
clear and connected on every level possible. Time stood still, and I wanted
to stay in that space forever. It was as if everything I had ever lived
through had led me to this moment, and I felt totally in love with life,
with Spirit, with everything and everyone. That feeling stays with me,
it is who I know in my heart I really am. In the hectic pace of daily life I
may need reminding every once in awhile, but it’s there.

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