Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1

142 Who Do You Think You Are?

If you could give advice to those who are still searching for their
life’s purpose, what would it be?

I would say to find a meditation that allows you to transcend. And when
I say transcend I mean go beyond the thinking process, go beyond the
mind, and experience the source of thought, that state of unbounded
awareness. It’s that unified field where all knowledge comes from. If
God said to me, “you can only take one thing in your life with you, and
everything else has to go,” there would be no doubt, it would be my
meditation program. I have been practicing the TM® technique for 35
years now, and it really works for me. I would say to anyone, find a
meditation practice that transcends the mind.
Another thing I would recommend is The Work of Byron Katie.
The Work is a simple process of inquiry that teaches people how to
identify and question the stressful thoughts that cause suffering. Suffering
arises from the mind, and The Work is a way to understand what’s hurting
us. It’s also way to end the suffering and the stress we have. I love this
quote by Byron Katie: “I don’t let go of my concepts. I meet them through
inquiry and they let go of me.”
The last thing is to take The Passion Test®. I am co-author of the
book, The Passion Test, along with Chris Attwood, who is my ex-husband,
one of my very best friends, and my business partner. It’s a really easy
process that aligns people with what they are passionate about, those
things that are most important to them. Using the processes we teach in
The Passion Test book, it effortlessly draws all of these things to you.
In our book we say, “Whenever you are faced with a decision, a
choice, or an opportunity choose in favor of your passions. Choose in
favor of what it is that you love.” We also say, “What you love and God’s
will for you are one in the same.” It’s my experience that when I choose
in favor of what brings me the greatest joy, what brings me the greatest
happiness, everything else seems to fall into place. If I go in my mind
and try to think, Okay what is right and what is wrong, I go absolutely
It’s too big a field in that mind of mine. But when I just drop into
what brings me the greatest joy, that’s really easy for me, and I keep my
attention on those things.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said, “Happiness radiates like the
fragrance from a flower and draws all good things towards you. Allow
your love to nourish yourself as well as others. Do not strain after the
needs of life. It is sufficient to be quietly alert and aware of them. In this

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