Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1
Are You Here To Be A Successful Author? 143

way life proceeds more effortlessly and naturally. Life is here to enjoy.”

This reminds me of a story that perfectly illustrates this point:

A young girl who collected autographs of famous people was at
the airport waiting to board her plane when she saw a crowd of people
standing around a small man in a white robe. She knew this man had to
be someone well known because of the large crowd encircling him. She
went up to one of the people standing nearby and asked who the man
was. The reply she received was, “That’s Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a great
saint from the Himalayas.”
The girl excitedly ran up to Maharishi and immediately asked
for his autograph. Maharishi took her pen and paper, looked her straight
in the eyes, and said, “I will give you something much more important
than my autograph.” And on the piece of paper he wrote one word:
I truly believe that is exactly why we are here on this planet – to
enjoy. When we really drop into the things that are truly from our heart,
and we start seeing what we enjoy, then life becomes that state of bliss.
All of us have a special gift. All of us are unique. All of us are
here to contribute our gifts in our own special way. When we do that, we
experience the greatest possible joy and fulfillment in our own lives, and
we spread that joy around to everyone we meet.

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