Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1

152 Who Do You Think You Are?

John Gray

“Keep your heart open, be true to yourself, and continue to follow your
heart even when it doesn’t look like things are falling into
place the way you want them to.”

John Gray, Ph.D., is the author of 16 best-selling books, including Men
Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, the number one best-selling
book of the last decade. In the past ten years, over 30 million Mars and
Venus books have been sold in over 40 languages throughout the world.
An expert in the field of communication, Dr. Gray’s focus is to
help men and women understand, respect, and appreciate their
differences in both personal and professional relationships. In his many
books, CD’s, DVD’s, tapes, workshops and seminars, he provides
practical tools and insights to effectively manage stress and improve
relationships at all stages and ages by creating the brain chemistry of
health, happiness, and lasting romance.
Dr. Gray has appeared on Oprah, The Today Show, CBS Morning
Show, Good Morning America, The View, Politically Incorrect, Larry King,
and others. He has been profiled in Newsweek, Time, Forbes, USA Today,
TV Guide, People and New Age Journal, among others.
In addition to being a Certified Family Therapist, Dr. Gray is a
consulting editor of The Family Journal, and a member of the
Distinguished Advisory Board of the International Association of Marriage
and Family Counselors. In 2001, he received the Smart Marriages Impact
John Gray’s latest book, The Mars & Venus Diet & Exercise
Solution (St. Martin’s Press 2003), reveals why diet, exercise and
communication skills combine to affect the production of healthy brain
chemicals and how the need for those chemicals differ between men
and women.
You can read more about John Gray at: http://www.marsvenus.com

Who do you think you are?

I have a variety of purposes in my life. I’m a father, a husband, and a
grandfather. In terms of my interaction with the world, I make a difference
by bringing greater awareness to how people can live with greater integrity
in congruency with who they truly are as loving human beings.

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