Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1
Are You Here To Be An Entrepreneur? 15

Bob Proctor

“I didn’t believe I could change, but the more he talked to me, the more I
believed he believed I could change, and I really believed in his belief in me.”

Zig Ziglar may be the master motivator, Mark Victor Hansen
and Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup For the Soul, the master sto-
rytellers; Anthony Robbins may be the guru of personal devel-
opment, but Bob Proctor is the master thinker. When it comes
to systematizing life, no one else can touch him. He is simply
the best.
Bob Proctor is a direct link to the modern science of suc-
cess stretching back to Andrew Carnegie the great financier and
philanthropist. Carnegie’s secrets inspired and enthused Na-
poleon Hill, whose book Think and Grow Rich in turn inspired a
whole genre of success-philosophy books that now take up large
sections of modern bookstores. Napoleon Hill, in turn passed
the baton onto Earl Nightingale, who has since placed it in Bob
Proctor’s capable hands.
Proctor carries the message of these great teachers a step
higher and explains in terms understood by tots and tycoons
alike how a person goes about recognizing their potential and
how to apply this effort in setting and achieving life goals. Fea-
tured in the block-buster hit, The Secret, his extraordinary teach-
ing ability has won him acclaim around the globe and has car-
ried the Canadian-born personal development guru to the far
reaches of the earth teaching people how to be more, do more
and have more.
Find out more about Bob at: http://www.BobProctor.com

Who do you think you are?

Who am I? Well, that has changed over the years. It evolves because of
awareness. I now see that we are God’s highest form of creation. We’re
created in His image and we’re here to do His work. Since God’s the
Creator and gave us creative faculties we should be creating, doing good
work, always beyond what we’re doing.
Jane Willhite, who runs PSI Seminars is a good friend of mine,
and a number of years ago I went up to her ranch with Mark Meyerdirk

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