Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1

16 Who Do You Think You Are?

and John Assaraf and we spent three days there. That’s where I re-evalu-
ated my purpose and my vision and I’ve let it guide me since then. The
more I read ‘My Purpose’ and the more I look at it, the more I see wis-
dom in it. My purpose is to live and work in a prosperous environment
that encourages productivity so that I may improve the service I render
to my family, my company, my community, my nation and ultimately the
world. My vision is to build a global organization dedicated to improv-
ing the quality of life worldwide. We create products and services at a
profit, which is in harmony with the law of compensation. These prod-
ucts and services are created and marketed with like-minded people who
share in our purpose.

Many years ago Karl Menninger said, ‘environment’s more im-
portant than heredity.’ If we live and work in a prosperous environment
that encourages productivity, that’s going to stimulate our creative fac-
ulties and encourage us to keep improving on what we’re doing. I be-
lieve that spirit is always for expansion and fuller expression, never for
disintegration, and God operates by law and the laws are God’s modus
operandi. The more we understand the laws the better off we’re going to
be at keeping our life in harmony with those laws. So that’s my stated
purpose and I believe I’m on the right track because my results would
indicate that.
I’m seventy-three and I’ve got as much energy as most people at
twenty-three. I have attracted a phenomenal team of people in our com-
pany and I love what I do. I have a strong focus on money because I see
it as an incredible creative instrument. I think money’s used for two things.
It’s to help you be comfortable, and the more comfortable you are the
more creative you can be. Beyond that, it’s used to extend the service
that you render beyond your own presence. Whatever I earn I invest back
in what I do. I don’t invest in real estate, stocks, bonds or anything like
that. I’m not interested in creating great wealth, I’m interested in provid-
ing great service. What I earn goes back into the business and to what I

What events or series of events lead to your discovery?

Oddly enough, the first person who “reached me” asked me the same
question as the one above: Who are you? I looked at him like he had
fallen out of a tree and I said, “What do you mean, who am I? I’m Bob.”
“You’re not Bob,” he said.

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