Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1
Are You Here To Be A Successful Author? 173

If you could give advice to those who are still searching for their
life’s purpose, what would it be?

Once I started to really looking within, instead of externally, for my
purpose, I discovered an intense pull to the possibility of all people loving
themselves and their lives – but I had to start with me. I had to learn how
to like myself and like my life independent of what I was doing or who I
was with. Not comparing my life and myself with other people, not trying
to live up to some standard, not trying to chase expectations, and knowing
that external things could never quench my thirst. I believe that knowing
your purpose and true happiness can only be discovered when you not
only love yourself and your life but you actually like it too.
The advice I would give anyone who is searching for their purpose
is to look in rather than out, look at the life you have and see if you can
fall in love with it and yourself in the process. Then see if you can really
like it. When you start there, the rest of your life unfolds in a magical
way, and it mirrors what you’re feeling on the inside. This is the whole
principle of the Law of Attraction! If I’m really liking and loving myself
and my life, then I attract more of the type of things into my life.
Now, I can’t say that I practice this at 100%. I have days where
I’m extremely hard on myself and I’m critical, or I look at someone
else’s life and say, “I want that.” Then I realize what I am attracted to
about their life is their happiness. So I gently remind myself, “Wait a
second, this is your life, you only get one shot at it and you might as well
like what you’ve got because it’s much more enjoyable when you do.”
I like to think of the word inspire – INspire comes from INside. A
lot of us say that we want to inspire others, but in order to do that, we
have to feel something inspirational inside of ourselves first. Inspiration
and our sense of who we are cannot come from ego, stuff, money, or a
really great speech. It’s comes from something deeper – a much, much
bigger. And the best news is, we all have it inside of ourselves, we just
have to commit to rediscovering it and reminding ourselves of who we
truly are.

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