Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1

Are You Here To Be A Healer? 191
We are source energy in the body here to experience ourselves as
co-creators. Meaning, if we choose something to be difficult, it’s difficult.
If we consciously choose something to be a smooth experience, it is. I
think that the purpose of our lives and who we are is a synonymous
thing. It’s really the same conversation.
Oftentimes we have experiences that are difficult or challenging,
and then because of the experience, we have the opportunity to define
who we are. For example, if something happens to make us feel that we
are inadequate in some way, we began to develop a belief that we are
inadequate. Then another thing occurs that validates that belief, and we
start to look through a lens of inadequacy, constantly looking to validate
the truth of that, because the subconscious mind is always collecting this
kind of information and recording it.
Whatever the subconscious mind has recorded it wants to validate
as true, because its job is to keep us safe. Its job is to keep us from
danger, and one of the best ways to keep us safe is to keep us around
things that seem familiar. Any validation of a previously established belief
reaffirms the familiarity from a vibrational standpoint, from an energetic
standpoint; it creates the environment feeling of safety for the
subconscious to relax in. Even if it were miserable, it would rather
maintain the same rather than step into the unknown.
In the moments where we’re defining who we are relative to the
experiences that we’re having, we have the opportunity to shift, or to
step into the front side of the model and say, regardless of our relatives,
regardless of our relativity (the experiences we are having), what would
we be experiencing if we could have it any way we chose? If I were out
on the front side of that, I now have the experience of empowerment. I
begin to have the experience of what freedom feels like. Then even in
the face of negative circumstances, if I choose to bring forth a different
experience from the inside out, I am experiencing my greatest capacity,
I am experiencing pure potentiality in the body in human form.
I think we come here, to this dimension, with our consciousness
to have that experience. We come to the third dimension where duality
exists. We know hot because we know cold, we know joy because we
know sadness, and it’s in between those polarities that we have the
opportunity to move in whatever direction that we choose. We’ve just
never really realized the power that we have on a conscious level en
mass. Our culture, our societies do not operate in the full potentiality of
that system. The reason we come here with our consciousness and our
awareness is so that we can have that experience of choosing. The energy

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