Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1

194 Who Do You Think You Are?

If you could give advice to those who are still searching for their
life’s purpose, what would it be?

I know that this only happens when it can. It can’t happen until one
comes to the center point within themselves, when they allow themselves
to just sit down and be with themselves and completely accept what they
are experiencing as valid, and also temporary. If they can allow those
two concepts to come together at the same time within their own personal
space and in their hearts and minds, then they can experience that magical
aspect of being human.
What that boils down to is listening to their gut feelings and the
nuances that are trickling up towards their consciousness from their body.
Their body is a feedback mechanism that is constantly revealing to them
the truth of what’s happening. If they can just be present with all of those
feelings that are coming up, the ones that are the most eternal or the
most True will prevail, and those that are the flickering evidence that we
operate in a fear-based manner are only temporary. Those fearful thoughts
disappear when we just hold fast to the idea that we are equipped with
everything we need. The search is really what keeps us from finding.
I think that it’s important to have curiosity and certainly look at
this adventure as a grand mystery, but to also realize that we hold the key
inside. It’s found in the hearts and in the wisdom centers low in our
abdomen, and really the mind is supposed to be the servant to those
things. Those parts will steer us accordingly to the evidence and
information they’re receiving from the inside, not the outside. Everything
in the external environment is the effect of this. If we can really operate
from this internal guidance, then we are much more likely to create a life
experience that is in alignment with the Truth of why we came. It will
become self-evident, and it won’t be because of something from the

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