Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1

32 Who Do You Think You Are?

Who do you think you are? What is the purpose of your life?

I am an expression of who God is. I am part and parcel of what makes up
who God is. I’m a reflection of who God is.
When I discovered the purpose for my life, I discovered it in
about two minutes at a seminar that literally changed the course of my
life forever. Bob Proctor’s mentor, Leland Val Vandewall asked us to
think for a second, and without giving much more thought than that,
simply write the first thing that came to mind when we asked the ques-
tion, why am I here? What is my purpose? Without thinking, I wrote the
following: “My purpose is to demonstrate by my life and my results what
a life of faith is, teach that to the world in order to lift their spirits closer
to God.”
That came out instantly and it was very clear to me that it was
what I’m here to do. I want to demonstrate by my life and my results, not
my talk, not my wishes, but by my results. I think that results are a dem-
onstration of what’s really going on. I want to demonstrate by how I live
with life, how I interact with life. I want to demonstrate what a life of
faith is. I am not necessarily talking about religious faith, although that
is an important part of my life.
The good book says that faith is the evidence of things unseen
and the certainty of things hoped for. In my case, it’s the certainty of
what I hope for. I want to teach people to get their eyes off of their past,
and get their eyes off the limitation, and get their eyes on what it is they
hope for and have them be certain that it will materialize in physical
form in their lives. Faith is seeing things that other people can’t see.
Faith gives you hope. Faith keeps your eyes on God. Faith keeps you
The next part of that is to teach it to the world. I have been gifted
with the ability to teach, and it is important to me to have a global view
of teaching the world in order to lift people’s spirits closer to God. I
think what people need more than money, more than relationships, more
than anything, is an intimate connection with the Almighty. If I can par-
ticipate by lifting people a little bit closer to God, then my purpose in
life is being fulfilled.

What event or series of events led to your discovery?

There have been two major events that took the form of mentorships
that transformed my life. My first mentor was a man named Norm

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