Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1
Are You Here To Be An Entrepreneur? 33

Sharkey, who I met on September 6, 1977. That marked a significant
change in my life, because for the first time ever, I opened myself up to
the spiritual dimension of life. I was going down the wrong road. I was
like a freight train on the tracks of destruction. I met Norm Sharkey, and
he got me in touch with God for the first time. He showed me that I
could have a personal relationship with God and he introduced me to
Jesus and other teachers who have been instrumental in changing the
direction of my life. He showed me how to give love and how to receive
love. It happened in such a profound way that it completely altered the
course of my life.
Then in 1988, I met Bob Proctor. Bob Proctor has become my
financial mentor; at least that’s what I call him. He’s really my internal
mentor. He showed me that I could earn in a month what I used to earn in
a year. I started making over $1 million a year. In order for that kind of
result, something major has to happen inside of you, and that’s what
Bob’s main effect on me was. He showed me how to really think about
what was going on in my life and he changed my understanding of who
I am and how I tick. We’re never taught about how people think. We’re
never taught about why people do certain things and don’t do certain
things. And why people don’t do the things that they want to. He showed
me how to apply that.
I started off by applying this to the earning of money, and I quickly
found out that it’s just a symptom, a game, or a measuring stick, to un-
derstanding more about me and what causes most people in the world to
operate on autopilot without thinking. Bob has had a major effect on my
life for the past 21 years. And I’m just so grateful that he’s been part of
my life.

If you could give advice to those who are still searching for their
purpose in life, what would it be?

I was asked that question recently on an Australian radio show. They
said in 30 words or less, tell us how a person could achieve what they
want to achieve in their life. I told them it wouldn’t take me 30 words it
would only take me eight words. Those eight words are: find a mentor,
and do what they say. It’s that simple. Find somebody who has the re-
sults that you want. Don’t ask broke people how to get rich. Don’t ask
sick people how to get healthy. Don’t ask divorced people how to have
strong relationships. Find somebody who has the results that you want
and do what they say, and the emphasis is on the word do.

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