Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1
Are You Here To Be In Show Business? 67

me. I will always tell everybody I didn’t even start knowing what life
was until I was twenty-nine years old. That’s what I think was the
beginning of the series of things which culminated with The Secret.
I hit about eight things, and each one sent me flying. Like if you
were driving then all of a sudden you hit the turbo button. Eight things in
my life have done that to me, and The Secret is the eighth in that series.
I just keep on growing, and more and more things happen. I think it’s
about the discovery of self and that’s what made me come to it. I wanted
to know more about who I am.
Another thing in the series of events was talking with Anthony
Robbins. He had this infomercial back then, and I was the first black
person on his infomercial. When I did his infomercial, I did it because I
really believed in that guy! Casey Kasem invited me to see an animal
rights seminar. I hadn’t even heard of anything like that. Anthony Robbins
was running it. He talked about how bad it is to kill animals just so you
can have their skin or you can eat them. He showed what happens to the
animals and at the same time he showed the educational value of it, how
to be in love with the animal and in love with the world and the planet. It
blew my mind that he cared that much. I said to myself, I want to meet
this white dude. So, I went to meet him. I had just won Star Search and
given half of the money to the homeless and I told him that. He looked at
me and said, “Well I want you to be my friend.” So he sent me those
tapes. In thirty days those tapes had me so focused and so clear on where
I wanted to go and how to go about it. It was truly one of those moments
that put me in turbo. It just sent me out there! I connected that with the
connection to the Spirit I was already getting from talking to Ostarius
out on Venice Beach and every few years something great like that has

If you could give advice to those who are still searching for their
purpose in life, what would it be?

Try as hard as you can not to lie to yourself. If we can just get to the point
where we can be 100% honest with ourselves, then everything in our
lives becomes more workable, more manageable, more real and more
loving. A lot of us are so terrified that somebody’s going to get what’s
ours, or we won’t get the radial tires, or that’s not going to be our DVD
that we deal with that fear thing instead of that love thing, and we miss
the whole point. It’s not about the destination. We don’t know whether
we’re ever going to get where were trying to get to. It’s about the journey.

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