Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1
Are You Here To Be In Show Business? 81

really attracted to “upliftment.” I’d say that the “event” was acutely
tuning in to my inner voice and following my own bliss. I followed
where my heart wanted to go and people showed up to trigger the next
step. I feel incredibly blessed for the people who have come forward
in my life. I know that I am well protected and guided, because spirit
is taking me where I need to go.

If you could give advice to those who are still searching for their
purpose in life, what would it be?

I think we learn best by example. I started something recently called
Conscious Conversations, and just love it. I bring a group of 20 to 30
people together to have empowering conversation. My advice is to put
yourself in environments where you can learn and grow. A lot of people
put themselves into circumstances to do what everybody else is doing. I
am certainly still a work-in-progress, but what has really helped me was
putting myself in environments where I could continually unfold and
expand my consciousness. The days of going to places to numb myself
are definitely over. Places filled with smoking, drinking, drugging, and
processed foods don’t lend themselves to optimum living.
We live in a world today where there’s so much information about
how to have more qualitative living. If you’re ignoring it, you’re ignoring
the possibility of a life filled with inner fulfillment. There are so many
trappings around us, whether it’s shopping or drinking or over indulgence.
Once you find your center and find out who you are there’s more
possibility for discovering you inner rainbows.
I’d also recommend spending a lot of time in nature to see
examples of perfection. Watch and observe the flowers blooming, the
trees swaying, feeling the air all around you, and looking up at the sky.
That’s true perfection. When we know that we are one with that, it’s the
most exciting journey possible. I’d say that we are given the gift of life
from God and our gift to God is what we do with it. I think the key to life
is to keep loving more and more. How much more loving can you be?
How much more loving are you willing to become? That’s the greatest
question that one can ask, and the greatest answer is to go for the gold.
Give and receive love all the time, freely and with unabashed joy. Enjoy
the process of your life at the deepest possible level. Enjoy the whole

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