Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1

82 Who Do You Think You Are?

J. Karen Thomas

“Go within, go within, go within, go within, go within,
go within, go within.”

J. Karen Thomas is an Actress, Singer/ Songwriter, Dancer and Voice
Over Artist, who is grateful to have worked alongside Ellen Degeneres,
Ossie Davis, and Oscar Winners; Jennifer Hudson and Jamie Foxx.
Recurring TV roles include: Alley McBeal, City of Angels and Melrose
Place. Recent Guest Stars: Criminal Minds, Crossing Jordan and HBO’s
Big Love.
She and her environmental activism are central to the Sony
Classics’ Documentary; Who Killed the Electric Car? On stage she’s
played Lorrell in DREAMGIRLS, the Nurse in ROMEO and JULIET, Velma
Kelly in CHICAGO, Yvette in MOTHER COURAGE, and most recently
Titania Hippolyta in Shakespeare Festival/LA’s jazzy A MIDSUMMER
J. Karen’s volunteer roster includes Agape Spiritual Center’s
Music and Dance Ministries, Outfest, POWER UP, and SAG’s Bookpals.
She loves dogs, nature, her family, and sharing her gifts with the world.
You can contact J. Karen Thomas through Met Talent
Management 323-924-1194 or by visiting: http://www.jkarenthomas.com

Who do think you are?

I am a queen, a goddess, and a blessed loyal holy child of God. I know I am
here to do great things. I’m here to heal, to bless, and to inspire through my
talents, my gifts, and through my service. That’s what I think I am on a
spiritual level. That’s the journey isn’t it? To always be able to keep that
foremost in my view of who I am.
On the physical level, I would say I am an actress, a singer, and a
dancer. On the mental level, where the worry, doubts, and fears live, there is
the part that says, “Aw, you aint doing nothing’. You’re going too slow.” So,
as I go along on my journey I’m knowing that I’m in the perfect place at the
right time and living my purpose, and that I’m not here to question what
time it is. It’s about God’s timing, and there are so many breakthroughs
happening in my life right now. There’s this gigantic energy flow coming
through me to create more and have it out there on a global level.

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