Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1
Are You Here To Be In Show Business? 83

What events or series of events led to your discovery?

I always knew that I was here to do great things; I just didn’t know what.
I’ve always seen myself as an actress, and “singer” is a label that I’m
starting to wear more fully. I am a singer. There are a lot of people who
sing, and I thought I was an actress who sang and moved well or danced.
Now I’m learning that I am all of these things fully, there are no parts in
God, things are fully what they are.
I used to be a radio DJ in Nashville, Memphis, and Atlanta. I am
originally from Nashville, Tennessee. In fact, I call myself an international
Southern Belle. For a while, I had loved radio, but it got to the point
where I was only a liking it, and I wasn’t completely focused on what I
was doing. I really wanted to be a full performer; I really wanted to be an
actress and a singer.
At that time I was working mid-days at a radio station and my
boss called me in and told me I was getting a demotion. I said, “I’m not
doing that - I can’t do that.” He told me he was putting me on overnights
for a while. I told him, “I am not doing overnights.” I didn’t know what
I was going to do, but it was a turning point for me. There was something
else I was supposed to do, so I went on a leave of absence for a while to
figure it out.
After a week on leave, I got a call to perform, in a theatrical
production in Boston. It was a lead role in a musical that I loved, Ain’t
Misbehavin, so I got to use all of my performance gifts: acting,
singing, and dancing. I was being paid well as an actor in a full equity
show. And I absolutely took that opportunity to make a change in my
career path, because I had gotten disillusioned with radio. I was ready
for a change, but I didn’t know how to make the change. It took that
low point for me to recognize that it’s tough for me surrender and let
something more come in.
I didn’t know what it is or where it was coming from, but I
knew there was something greater for me to do. I realized that I am
only here to do great things. If you’re asking me to do something that’s
not great, it’s not for me. And it wasn’t just for my ego. What I was
really working on was being in that stillness and being in that presence
all of the time. Where it’s not just about “How did I look?” or “How
did I sound? Did you see me? What did you think?” But knowing that I
am here to share a service.
Another turning point was moving to LA. I’ve lived here for about
eleven years now. And another was meeting my divine life partner, Colette

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