Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1

84 Who Do You Think You Are?

Divine. She and I are featured as Documentary subjects in the film Who
Killed the Electric Car? She always challenges me and holds me
accountable to stand in my truth and my greatness. Making a choice to
be with her (we’ve been together ten years now) has confirmed to me
that everything I was feeling and knowing deep within me was true.
My dear dad, who was always such a strong, honorable, and
forthright man passed away in 2004. That really reminded me that
tomorrow is not promised, so the things that we want to do here on
this planet we need to do them now!

If you could give advice to those who are still searching for their
life’s purpose, what would it be?

Go within, go within, go within, go within, go within, go within, go
within. When I was first getting ready to move to LA, I had a lot of
questions. I’ve written a song about it, too. I was asking everybody what
they thought. “Should I move here, do you think it’s time, should I move
here, I’ve got a good life there, should I stay with this person, should I
break up with that person, should be with this new person, should I live
here this house, should I do this, should I do that?”
I talked to psychics, highly recommended psychics, looking at it
on a spiritual level. I asked what they saw for me, what I should be doing
for my career, what I should be for my relationship... and I already knew
all of these things. All of these things were right within me. I’m not
saying don’t go to a psychic, if that’s the perfect right thing to do for you
at that moment. Maybe I would do it again, but the biggest lesson for me
was that it’s all within.
Go into the stillness, into the closet and sanctuary of your soul,
go into meditation and prayer, journal even. Journaling has been a great
tool for me to reveal what spirit wants me to do, how spirit moves through
me. Find a spiritual practice. Find a spiritual center that works for you.
Where there are people who reflect the truth to you when you get into
questions. We all have points where we get into questions and confusion,
when we look to people to stand in the truth and know the truth for us,
even when we don’t know it ourselves. It’s great to have that sense of
community. That’s what Agape is for me, does for me.
Again, to sum it up in two words, go within.

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