Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1
Are You Here To Be In Show Business? 87

those weird home-schooled kids. Nope. My mom was an amazing teacher
and because of all the dancing and theater I did I was always around kids
my age and being social. I think that being home-schooled not only made
me a hard worker, because I had the best teacher pushing me, but it also
made me an independent person.
As for the future, I want to keep a high standard in an industry
full of immorality, and hopefully not only make an impact on my fans
but other artists as well. I want to always have a few songs on my album
that challenge or lift people up.

If you could give advice to those who are still searching for their
purpose in life, what would it be?

I’d ask them, “What are you good at? What brings you joy?” Be honest
about your circumstances, how they have shaped you as a person. Are
they there to show you your purpose? What are you afraid of?
I really believe that we know what our purpose in life is. At least
I do. Not everyone was created to be a rock star or a pro athlete and it’s
not about money. I remember an example about a hammer. A hammer
was created to pound nails. That hammer can be used to hit and destroy
things, even to harm others. It can be used to hold a window or door
open. It can sit useless in a toolbox. But, it was still created to pound
nails and that’s what its “creator” had in mind when he made that hammer.
It’s pretty simple. Look for the obvious, AND BELIEVE!

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