Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1
Are You Here To Be A Speaker? 91

John Demartini

“I believe very strongly that everything in your life
is actually directing you.”

Dr. John Demartini is a world leading inspirational speaker and author at
the forefront of the burgeoning personal and professional development
industry. His scope of knowledge and experience is a culmination of 35
years of research and studies of more than 28,600 texts into over 250
different disciplines ranging from psychology, philosophy, metaphysics,
theology, anthropology, neurology and physiology.
Today, Dr. Demartini speaks 300 days a year in over fifty countries
across the globe and is the author of over forty books. Some of his best-
selling titles include The Breakthrough Experience – a Revolutionary
New Approach to Personal Transformation, Count Your Blessings – The
Healing Power of Gratitude and Love, How to Make One Hell of a Profit
and Still Get to Heaven and The Heart of Love.
As a presenter, Dr. Demartini has shared the stage with such noted
speakers as Stephen Covey, Dr. Donald Beck, Les Brown, Mark Victor
Hansen, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Patch Adams and many
others. He has been a welcomed guest on over 2,000 radio and television
talk shows including: CNN Larry King Live, CBS’s The Early Show, PBS’s
This is America with Dennis Wholey, CNBC’s Alive and Wellness, Mornings
with Kerri-Anne, Good Morning Australia, Carte Blanche, 3 Talk, and Voice
of America.
Learn more about Dr. Demartini at: http://www.DrDemartini.com

Who do you think you are?

This is a question that philosophers have been asking for millenniums.
How and why did this whole universe begin? Why are human beings
here? What is their purpose? We could get very broad and deep about the
answers, or we could just probe our own selves and say that we are here
to integrate our lives and to take everything that we haven’t appreciated
and loved, and appreciate and love it. We are here to live our lives to the
fullest. We are here to be inspired by and thankful for our existence and
reach out to expand and explore our greatest human awareness and
potential and live to the farthest reaches of our capacities during our
physical earthly existence.

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