Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1

92 Who Do You Think You Are?

What event or series of events led to your discovery?

When I was seventeen, I had the opportunity to meet a great teacher
named Paul C. Bragg. My life changed as a result of meeting him on the
North Shore of Oahu in the Sunset Recreation Hall at Weimea Bay. I
listened to him speak that night. He was an elderly man who taught great
wisdom. That night I listened to him speak about the body, mind, and
soul and the impact they have on our life potential. Listening to him at
that meeting that special night was certainly a life-changing event for
me. I became inspired and decided that I wanted to dedicate the rest of
my life to studying what he termed Universal Laws as they relate to the
body, mind and soul, particularly as they relate to healing, probably
because I had a health problem at the time. I wanted to become a teacher,
healer and philosopher, step foot in every country on the face of the
earth and share my research findings with people to help them live inspired
and magnificent lives. That is what came to me that night and that’s all
I’ve been focusing on and living for the last thirty-five years.

If you could give advice to people who are still searching for their
purpose in life, what would it be?

It is wise to scan your life and look at all the actions that you’ve taken
that have inspired you and find the common thread in each of them.
Look at where your skills are most profound. Look at what you have
done that has been most inspiring, most meaningful and most purposeful
to you and synthesize these. This will point you in a meaningful direction.
Everything in your life is actually directing you. When you experience
tears of gratitude in your eyes, you’re on track. So pay close attention to
those moments.
Doing what you love and loving what you do is the key to living
a fulfilling life. If you look at who your heroes have been, what you’ve
studied most, what you thought about most, what you’ve mastered most,
what you’re inspired by most, and integrate them, you’ll discover what
your mission in life really is.
I wrote my initial mission statement when I was with Paul Bragg
in 1972 and refined it fifty-seven times since then. I read it every day. I
have it in front of me right now. My mission is what I’m up to; it’s the
highest priority I have in my life. I’ve also focused on documenting all
the objectives that I intend to accomplish in my life and keep record of
them all as they emerge and become fulfilled. I have the largest collection

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