Mindfulness Meditation (For Everyday Life)

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TRY: Bringing awareness to how you end your
meditations. Whether they are lying down, sitting,
standing, or walking, zero in on "who" ends it, how it
ends, when it ends, and why. Don't judge it or
yourself in any way - just observe, and stay in touch
with the transition from one thing to the next.

How Long to Practice?

Q : Dr. Kabat-Zinn, how long should I meditate?
A : How should I know?

It keeps coming up, this question of how long to
meditate. We felt from the beginning of our work
using meditation with patients in the hospital that it
would be important for them to be exposed right from
the start to relatively extended periods of practice.
Since we believed strongly in the principle that if you
ask a lot of people or ask them to ask a lot of
themselves, then you will get a lot, whereas if you ask
only a little, the most you are likely to get is a little, we
went with forty-five minutes as the basic required

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