Mindfulness Meditation (For Everyday Life)

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(We only do that with our own patients, or with people
who are ready to make such an intense lifestyle
change for reasons of their own.) Instead, we
challenge them to practice every day for fifteen
minutes at a time, or twice a day if they can manage
If you think about it for a moment, few of us - no
matter what we do or what situation we find ourselves
in - would be unable to free up one or two fifteen-
minute blocks of time out of twenty-four hours. And if
not fifteen, then ten, or five.
Recall that in a line six inches long, there are an
infinite number of points, and in a line one inch long
there are just as many. Well, then, how many
moments are there in fifteen minutes, or five, or ten,
or forty-five? It turns out we have plenty of time, if we
are willing to hold any moments at all in awareness.
Forming the intention to practice and then seizing a
moment - any moment - and encountering it fully in
your inward and outward posture, lies at the core of
mindfulness. Long and short periods of practice are
both good, but "long" may never flourish if your
frustration and the obstacles in your path loom too
large. Far better to adventure into longer periods of
practice gradually on your own than never to taste
mindfulness or stillness because the perceived

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