Mindfulness Meditation (For Everyday Life)

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in this moment just as you would trust your foot to
find a way to keep you balanced as you move over
rocks? If you practice this kind of trust in the face of
insecurity and the strong habit of wanting some
authority to anoint your experience (however
minuscule, and it usually is) with his/her blessing, you
will find that something of a deepening nature does
happen along the path. Our feet and our breath both
teach us to watch our step, to proceed mindfully, to
truly be at home in every moment, wherever our feet
carry us, to appreciate where we are. What greater
gift could be bestowed upon us?

TRY: Being aware of all the times in meditation when
the thought comes up: "Am I doing this right?" "Is this
what I should be feeling?" "Is this what is 'supposed'
to happen?" Instead of trying to answer these
questions, just look more deeply into the present
moment. Expand your awareness in this very
moment. Hold the question in awareness along with
your breathing and with the full range of this particular
moment's context. Trust that in this moment, "This is
it," whatever and wherever "this" is. Looking deeply
into whatever the "this" of the present moment is,
keep up a continuity of mindfulness, allowing one
moment to unfold into the next without analyzing,

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