Mindfulness Meditation (For Everyday Life)

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everything else in the meditation practice, we just
watch, listen, note, let be, let go, and keep generating
the question, "What is my Way?", "What is my path?",
"Who am I?"
The intention here is to remain open to not knowing,
perhaps allowing yourself to come to the point of
admitting, "I don't know," and then experimenting with
relaxing a bit into this not knowing instead of
condemning yourself for it. After all, in this moment, it
may be an accurate statement of how things are for
Inquiry of this kind itself leads to openings, to new
understandings and visions and actions. Inquiry takes
on a life of its own after a while. It permeates the
pores of your being and breathes new vitality,
vibrancy, and grace into the bland, the humdrum, the
routine. Inquiry will wind up "doing you" rather than
you doing it. This is a good way to find the path that
lies closest to your heart. After all, the journey is one
of heroic proportions, but so much more so if
enlivened by wakefulness and a commitment to
adventurous inquiry. As a human being, you are the
central figure in the universal hero's mythic journey,
the fairy tale, the Arthurian quest. For men and
women alike, this journey is the trajectory between

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