warts and pimples, your shortcomings, your
inconsistencies, and your failures. These trials are
not impediments to either parenting or mindfulness
practice. They an the practice, if you can remember
to see it this way. Otherwise, your life as a parent can
become one very long and unsatisfying burden, in
which your lack of strength and clarity of purpose
may lead to forgetting to honor or even to see the
inner goodness of your children and yourself.
Children can easily become wounded and diminished
from a childhood which consistently fails to
adequately honor their needs and their inner beauty.
Wounding will just create more problems for them
and for the family, problems with self-confidence and
self-esteem, with communication and competencies,
problems that don't disappear on their own as the
children grow older but usually amplify. And as
parents, we may not be open enough to perceive the
signs of this diminishment or wounding and then be
able to act to heal it because it may have come in
some measure through our own hands or through our
own lack of awareness. Also, it may be subtle, easily
denied, or attributable to other causes, thus freeing
us in our own minds from a responsibility which may
be truly ours to assume.