Mindfulness Meditation (For Everyday Life)

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a very real way, this may actually be the best season,
the best moment of your life? If that was so, what
would it mean for you?

Capturing Your Moments

The best way to capture moments is to pay attention.
This is how we cultivate mindfulness. Mindfulness
means being awake. It means knowing what you are
doing. But when we start to focus in on what our own
mind is up to, for instance, it is not unusual to quickly
go unconscious again, to fall back into an automatic-
pilot mode of unawareness. These lapses in
awareness are frequently caused by an eddy of
dissatisfaction with what we are seeing or feeling in
that moment, out of which springs a desire for
something to be different, for things to change.
You can easily observe the mind's habit of escaping
from the present moment for yourself. Just try to keep
your attention focused on any object for even a short
period of time. You will find that to cultivate
mindfulness, you may have to remember over and
over again to be awake and aware. We do this by
reminding ourselves to look, to feel, to be. It's that

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