
(Darren Dugan) #1

The Zodiac Signs

Aries Phase

The result of all the Pisces sacrifice and acceptance in
dealing with whatever rises up to slow us down is what
we manage to bring across through to this next phase—
a new start. Aries represents the physical or practical
result of our initial impulse or idea, what remains after
we have paid whatever dues are required in Pisces.
This is what we actually manage to get across. However
small this step may be, it rises beyond the past (or on
top of it) and marks an advance beyond the planning
stage and a movement into the practical world. It entails
some kind of accomplishment, something that can be
seen for our work. Aries always makes a statement and
is the turning point, a moving from the idea or plan into
the world of action. Something appears.

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